You are a storyteller. 

If you’ve ever wondered how to market your books on social media, you’re not alone. It is a quest of many independent authors. Marketing may not be your forte; it doesn’t have to be.

The mission you have on social media (should you accept it) is not selling books but stories. Your stories!

Tact: The Forgotten Art

Today, we deal with the issue of tact with regards to social media marketing. You know, marketing sales links upfront is like asking someone to marry you without any prior relationship?

The format: ebook, audio, hard copy, is secondary in importance. The real task is selling readers on the story idea itself; it’s premise, and the entertaining journey it promises them.

“Story becomes story when the conglomeration of thoughts, ideas, and fantasies or memories, gets told in an arranged and purposeful order.” 

– Will Eisner, Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative

What Will said is your answer on how to market books on social media with emphasis on gets told. Amazon sales links lead customers to where the books can be purchased. They should never be seen on platforms meant for socializing. Story is for socializing.

Be tactful. Don’t spam!

You don’t like being solicited with unwanted information, right? Neither do your readers. The better practice is getting readers to ask you if they can buy your book.

As a novelist, you can gain attention with your novel on social media by socializing, tactfully, with your readers when you arrive. Next, work it as a storyteller. In the video below, I explain how using the 3S Formula.

Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

Isaac Newton

Let me paraphrase Isaac Newton’s words with my own: Tact is the art of promoting your stories without repelling your readers.

Merriam-Webster had this to says: Tact comes from the Latin word that means “to touch.” A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense.

Thank you Mr. Webster.

Other words synonymous with tact are: finesse, thoughtfulness, and common sense.

Here are 4 common sense things to think about:

1.  Be a Storyteller. Forget about sales at this stage.

2. Locate Readers. Where is Waldo? Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? Where are your readers?

3.  Socialize. Found them? Good. Now get to know them. Take time to understand how the platform works and start story communicating.

4. Tell Visual Stories. Stories attract, spam distracts.

We share a simple formula you can use over and over to gain the attention of your readers in social media. I call it the 3 S Formula. You can access the video below.

I hope you enjoyed today’s post. Kindly leave a comment below.